The Power of Intention

Yoga + Intention Setting


The Power of Intention

Setting intentions, building an unfuckwithable self concept and having faith in the Universe/God within you is the path to creating your *I’m insanely happy and in love with my life” dream life.
— Divinely Diana


Start with intention.

What are Intentions?

  • is an aim or focus

  • in medicine, it’s the healing process of a wound

  • describes how you want to FEEL, starting in the present moment

  • it focuses on the internal

  • it focuses on your relationship with yourself

  • it helps you focus on your WHY as you work towards your future goals and who you’re BECOMING

  • it comes from the HEART. living a heart-centered life starts with intention.

What are goals?

  • the object of a person's ambition or effort

  • a desired result

  • describes what you want to DO in the future

  • also the end point of a race or something that a player is trying to put an object into as part of a game

  • focuses on external accomplishments

  • something you can clearly check off a list → “go rock climbing” or “speak french”

We are human BEINGS not human DOINGS.

How you BE is more important than what you DO.

Creating your dream life is not only possible, but I’ll equip you with a system of useful tools to help you step into your creative power.

This is about learning to enjoy the journey, not just the destination.

Intention is a guiding principle for who you want to BE and how you want to act.

Intention focuses on the present moment and focuses on the process.

Intentions act as reminders on how we want to show up in the world and live each day.

They give you purpose to show up to your fullest potential.

Intentions are a process you go through to help you create what you want in your life.


Goals are a destination or specific achievement.

They are measurable and based on the future.

It’s an object of a person’s effort, a desired result, an end point

The finish line of a race, the top of the mountain


But what gets us to the top of the mountain?




Self trust

Proper equipment and training

A detailed map




a big WHY. why the heck do i want to climb this mountain in the first place? what’s the meaning of this journey? Why is this important to me?

Focus on your why,

the process and who you need to become on the way up the mountain and you’ll absolutely reach the top.

Getting where you want to go, you need to

1. know where you’re going

2. take aligned action

In the Power of Intention, we’re going to focus on:

  • short-term goal-setting

  • long-term vision planning

  • uncover what habits that will set you up for long-term success

  • build a deeper relationship with yourself


As an intuitive wellness coach and yoga teacher who’s obsessed with human potential, my mission is to create a ripple effect of positive change in the lives of people looking to reach their fullest potential and want to put their he{art} into the world.

I’ve been teaching this workshop since 2019 to over 100 people in person and online, large & small group setting, and teacher trainings.

I’m really excited to offer it online!

I’m an expert in yoga, energy healing, mindset, and holistic nutrition.

As a a yoga teacher and natural born empath, I’m really good at reading other’s energy and seeing where they’re leaking their energy. I help you use your precious life force energy more effectively and efficiently to create momentum towards what you WANT, your dream life.

I will show you where to put your focus to access the 8 things people most want but aren’t sure how to get: 

  1. happiness

  2. money

  3. freedom

  4. peace

  5. joy

  6. balance

  7. fulfillment

  8. confidence

In order to get where we’re going, we need to know where we’re going.

And to know where we’re going, we need to have a road map.

Think of the Power of Intention workshop as a roadmap. We will focus on 12 particular areas of life to define your version of success. Relationships, career, physical activity and spirituality are just as important to your health and happiness as the food you eat. I’ll help you dream again to see the “big picture” and take a holistic approach to supporting the person you want to BECOME to get you where you’re going!

From the comfort of your own home and this being a group workshop…

you’ll have other’s and myself holding you accountable!

The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and found that you have a 65% chance of completing a goal if you commit to someone. And if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed, you will increase your chance of success by up to 95%. Investing in a coach is an investment in your future success! 

What you'll get from this workshop

• a proven plan to map out your future and action steps to get there

• coaching from me through the process

• group support and inspiration

• PDF Workbook included

• Zoom – i highly recommend live attendance! A replay will be available after.


• 1 hour gentle movement/meditation - for all bodies/abilities

• 1 hour intention setting

• Special coaching offer for attendees

“Finding your true self is an act of self love.
Expressing your true self is an act of rebellion.”
— Corey Muscara

This workshop is for the rebellious hearts. The ones who want to live a different way of life. A slower, more intentional life. A devoted life. An open-hearted, courageous life. A bold and beautiful life. A “I see magic in every moment” kind of life. A joy-filled life. Leaving behind a legendary story…one of bravery, commitment and transformation. Follower’s of their heart’s desire. Listener’s to their soul’s calling. Queens and Kings of Heart. Together, making the world a better place because more people are doing what they LOVE and putting their he{art} into the world.

Connect with your true self and express it loudly.

This is the Art of He{art}, a rebellion from the heart. 🫶🏼

A community of creative human’s pursuing their highest potential through mindfulness, life design, healing, personal growth and leadership.